Friday, January 30, 2009

Today I finished lesson 5 and I typed 21 words per minute.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Today I typed 19 words per minute.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DO NOW: How can review in Rag's to Riches/QUIA help you?                             Rag's to Riches can help us by learning more about what is elegal or legal.Or if you can give information about your self depending on the situasion.But if you do give information of your self you get in a lot of trouble.It also helps you by telling you for what reasons you can use the computers.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1-27-09 Techconnect WPM

Yesterday I finished lesson #1 and I did 14 words per minute.Today I finished lesson #2 and I did 13 words per minute.

Monday, January 26, 2009

DO NOW:How will typing help you in the future?                                                                               Typing will help me in my future by turning important asingments in faster.Or it could help me by not getting as tired  when I'm typing.It could also help me by typing neater than writing.Most important you could delete mistakes while typing , you can't do that while you are writing. You have to erase the mistake.